Pet Sematary 1989 Review


Good Morning Lovelies,

Back in the 1980s, Stephen King was at his best. Books were flying off the shelves, after Carrie and The Shining took audiences by storm. However, he had one film that was failing to hit the right mark. Pet Sematary. A feature based on his lesser known novel of the same name. Now though with a remake out today, the film is getting reborn into a cult hit, with gory cats galore.

Following the Creed family, made up of Louis, Rachel, and their children Ellie and Gage, the film captures them as they move into a new home. As they begin to settle down, they meet the local folk, who warn them to avoid the pet sematary near to their home. However, when their beloved cat is sadly killed, yet returns from the dead, they are unable to avoid the horrific monsters that come from it. Affecting them all in more ways than one.

While Pennywise the Clown will always be well received, the idea that an animal harming you may not be. This is probably why Pet Sematary didn’t get the outcome it wanted. Full of gore and over the top antics, it is an 80s film to the core. A true horror classic in many ways. However, it fails to hit the mark in ways that other King features do.

The characters are not so easy to connect with and the ideas and themes running through the plot are hard to stick with. You know as a viewer that the pets could be easily stopped and frustration comes out. There is a beauty to the story though that comes in this silliness. Cult hit it definitely is.

With the new feature out today, the story already looks like it may have been updated for the better. Yet, if you want something to laugh over or appreciate for the wonder that is King’s mind, then this is for you. There so, I am giving it…

3 Stars
Joey X

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