Der Todesking DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies, 

As many of you know, horror films are my favourite. Of course, I love a comedy, thriller and romance feature too, but I love the scares that horror films bring. That is why I was excited to fall into the world of Der Todesking, out today on Blu-Ray and DVD.

The second film from director, Jorg Buttgereit, the film is a dark tale that will test the limits of its audience members. Unlike other horror films, this feature pushes on the sense of realism, as it captures seven suicides over the course of seven days. Each one becoming more and more hard to handle.

Suicide is a subject that more people are taking on in the world of TV and film and when doing so it needs to be done delicately. As a horror film, this film doesn’t do that, and it detaches itself straight away from what the audience may be expecting. There is no ease throughout and it seems as those the creators have just made it to horrify audiences.

Instead of showing them how to help a person in this situation or why the situation has occurred. It is hard to watch in fact when you know that the filmmaker has tried to make a shocking feature out of something that needs to be spoken about more. 

There so I am giving the film…

2 ½ Stars

Blog Soon, 
Joey X 

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