Montparnasse 19 DVD Review


Good Morning Lovelies, 

Telling the story of the life of tragic painter Amadeo Modigliani, Montparnasse 19 is a film that brings joy, art and heartbreak to life on and off screen.

From the moment the film began up to the time it was released, the story behind it and in it brought sadness. During the production process, director Max Ophuls, who made many masterpieces died and the story tracked the drug and drink addictions that rocked Amadeo’s life.

When so many upsetting things come with a film, it can be hard to follow it. However, this film’s message, although very sad, highlight that there is a beauty to life even when dark.

Filled with incredible talent, the story is captured so well by the director that you have nothing but appreciation for him. His casting is perfect, the script flows well and the shots are so intimate it feels unbelievable personal.

It is all of this put together that has earned it this...

4 Stars

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Joey X

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