Hong Sangsoo’s Woman is the Future of Man and The Tale of Cinema DVD Reviews


Good Morning Lovelies,

Compelling films normally come at the end of the year, with awards season running in their ears. However, out in the middle of summer, Hong Sangsoo’s Woman is the Future of Man and the Tale of Cinema, are two films that are going to get the whole of the awarding bodies talking.

When two friends fall for the same woman in Woman is the Future of Man, their relationship is tested as they discover who is truly destined for love. Whilst in the Tale of Cinema, a young man suicide is captured along with the eye of a filmmaker who’s sees everything through her lens.

Both films are thought-provoking and mindful masterpieces. Neither leaves you wanting to know more, but they leave you wanting to know more about yourself and how you reacted to them. Especially Tale of Cinema, which captures the suicidal moods and feels of a young man so carefully, you can’t help thinking of it.

For a relatively unknown filmmaker, the stories are powerful and precious to the eye. They are made with the audience in mind and with a cinematic delight in tune. There so, making them a viewer’s delight, which is why they have earned themselves this...

4 Stars

Blog Soon,
Joey X

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