
Good Afternoon Lovelies, 

This year I have decided to do a few things different on the blog! I decided to get rid of the film works pages, as I felt that they weren’t working anymore and I was going on and on about rubbish to be honest with you all! I also haven’t done a tag in a while, because I thought that I might do them as a monthly thing instead of a weekly post, because they were getting a bit repetitive also lovelies. 

But have no fears because I have come up with a bunch of new ideas, starting with a single girls guide for Valentine’s Day, as well as the return of the monthly favourites post, which I will be writing about a bunch of random things instead of a select few items and a new weekly letter to someone in the film world or in the world who has helped me that week that deserves to be spoken about, because I think we don’t thank the people in the world enough lovelies. 

These posts will be coming your way very soon lovelies and hopefully I will have my favourites post up by tonight. I am also hoping to actually do some Vlogging this year lovelies! Oh yes! I am not just saying that either. 

Over the past few weeks I have been learning lots of new skills and I am now going to be using them and putting them to the test in short little videos about my week or something I am doing lovelies, because I am so lucky to be able to experience some great things that I would love to share with all of you. 

So please don’t think I have forgotten or left out all the fun things I hope you all use to enjoy! Because I will be back with even more exciting new things now that the dreadful and this year it really was dreadful month of January is out of the way! 

Let’s do this lovelies!

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

To keep up to date with all the latest news from the blog, follow it on Twitter @LetsStartNow18 :)

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