
Hey Lovelies, 

With some huge cast members joining the team, I was interested in seeing how the sequel to ‘The Snow Queen’ was going to turn out. In ‘The Snow Queen: Magic of the Ice Mirror’ I was surprised by what I found. 

Out just in time for Christmas, the film follows Gerda and her friends as they tell of her famous journey. However this time around the film focuses in on her friend Orm, the troll who creates a web of lies about what the team did in the first film. 

While it doesn’t feel very fresh and the outlook of the film is very much the same of the first, there is something about it that makes it light hearted and enjoyable. There is as I said before, nothing really new within it and there is a lot of faults with the script in the film, but with the film being told in another characters point of view there becomes a case of originality within it. 

Many of the voices within this one are also recognisable, such as Bella Thornes and Sean Bean, which makes it quite a good comfort watch on a Sunday afternoon, when the weather is cold outside. It doesn’t take you long to fall back in line with the old film and it is nice in many ways just to see the characters again. 

Therefore I am presenting this magic rating of…

3 Stars

Blog Soon,
Joey X

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