
Hey Lovelies, 

After doing a lot of research for this film to find out a bit more about its plot and the history of it, I was interested to see how they were going to present ‘Two Men in Town’ after being influenced by so many classics that had rocked the big screen before. 

From the moment it begins the journey is set out and you can see how the film may end, which kind of makes you a little bit off put from the start. You have already solved as a viewer what the outcome will be because they have made it so obvious and you watch on mainly to see if you have got the plot of the film wrong. 

There is a lot of suspense in the film due to this, which is actually very welcoming because it is the draw in the film that makes you watch on, but other than this there is no real excitement in the film and as a viewer there are many times in which you want to give up watching it. 

This is not due to the acting however, which is very skilled and played out well on screen. If their outcomes had not been revealed at the start of the film, it would have been nice to see how they would have been in the film and if we as an audience would have had even more emotions towards them when they are playing their part. 

Therefore because of this and the way in which the films creator has lacked giving us something to look forward to, with only a few bumps and suspense moments along the way to hook us in, it is not a film in which I would suggest you watch if you are looking for some action, because all that happens in it, happens within the first five minutes of it. 

Which is why I am giving the film…

2 Stars

Blog Soon, 
Joey X

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